Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I'm Still Alive

I have to apologize for my delay in travel writing during recent months! Not only do I write about travel, I just recently published two (!) new books back to back. One is nonfiction-7 Easy Steps to Memoir Writing: Build a Priceless Legacy One Story at a Time! and the other is fiction-Never Say Perfect. It has been a complete whirlwind for me and continues to present challenges of wearing the marketing and promotion hats while I also enjoy introducing and featuring other authors on my writing blog. Then there is always just the craziness of every day living.

Never fear, however. I absolutely love travel writing and just returned from a visit in Bradenton, FL and then on to Naples, FL, two gorgeous southern locations. In the very near future, I will be writing a couple of posts about Paris, hopefully the next major travel destination for Marianne, Sharon, Laura and me in 2013. If you have read the Italy series on this travel blog, you know all about these great travel companions of mine! Fingers are crossed that a few days in London and then on to Paris in 2013 will become a reality.

I also intend to write about a visit to Sea Island, Georgia and also Asheville, North Carolina in future posts if I can just add a few hours to my hectic day. Stay tuned though, and don't give up hope. These are definitely on my To Do list!

Blessings to all, and I promise to be back very soon with travel fun and surprises.

Visit for more information on 7 Easy Steps and Never Say Perfect and for posts on authors, books and the world of writing!

Mary Anne